Solving technical problems in using QuTiP solver for CircuitProcessor
Now we have the main ingredients for this project: CircuitProcessor as the simulator and CircuitNoise representing noise, it's time to go back and fix some technical issues. There were two unsolved problems discussed in the posts before: QuTiP solver interprets the array-like coefficients as smooth function and uses a cubic spline interpolation by default. However, as mentioned in the previous blog , in CircuitProcessor we use the coefficients as a step function, i.e. coeff = [1,2,3] means that the pulse amplitude is 1 during t=[0,1), 2 during t=[1,2) and so on. This causes a mismatch in the result and was only solved temporarily by using Python function as coefficients. The solver requires that all the coefficients have the same tlist , which makes it difficult to add noise to the processor since the noise might have a different frequency. This was mentioned at the end of the last post . To solve the first problem we need to modify the solvers. Fortunately, the recent up...